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By using CSS for the presentation of a document, you can substantially reduce the amount of time you spend composing not only a single document but an entire website As you’ll discover, CSS is much more versatile than the styling mechanisms provided by HTML alone. The versatility of CSS, when harnessed effectively, can reduce the amount of hard disk space that a website occupies, as well as the amount of bandwidth required to transmit that website from the server to the browser. CSS has the following advantages:

+ The presentation of an entire website can be centralized to one or a handful of documents, enabling the look and feel of a website to be updated at a moment’s notice. In legacy HTML documents, the presentation is contained entirely in the body of each document. CSS brings a much needed feature to HTML: the separation of a document’s structure from its presentation. CSS can be written independently of HTML.

+ Browsers are beginning to support multiple alternative style sheets, a feature that allows more than one design of a website to be presented at the same time. The user can simply select the look and feel that he or she likes most. This could only be done previously with the aid of more complex programming languages.

+ Style sheets allow content to be optimized for more than one type of device. By using the same HTML document, different versions of a website can be presented for handheld devices such as PDAs and cell phones or for printing.

+ Style sheets download much more quickly because web documents using CSS commonly consume less bandwidth. Browsers also use a feature called caching, a process by which your browser will download a CSS fi le or other web document only once, and not request that file from the web server again unless it’s been updated, further providing your website with the potential for lightning-fast performance.

+ Users of a website can compose style sheets of their own, a feature that makes websites more accessible. For example, a user can compose a high-contrast style sheet that makes content easier to read. Many browsers provide controls for this feature for novice users, but it is CSS nonetheless.

By using CSS to present your web documents, you can cut days of development and planning time.


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